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red handed中文是什么意思

用"red handed"造句"red handed"怎么读"red handed" in a sentence


  • 趁着手上的血还没洗净时候抓住,在犯罪现场被逮
  • 趁着手上的血还没洗净时候抓住,在犯罪现场被逮
  • 趁着手上的血还没洗净时候抓赚在犯罪现场被逮
  • 手染血
  • 血手在血手未洗干净时(捉住他)


  • Narine red hand flare
  • Marine red hand flare
  • No compensation shall be made if and when the thief is killed red handed
    如果把盗窃犯在当场捉捕搏斗时杀死,不偿还命价” 。
  • A . unblocked decoying keys have red hand icon in front of them , other with grey lock icon are locked
  • His sinewy , lean , hairy , red hands , with short fingers , were deftly turning the ramrod
  • The recently formed red hand jazz band has made it their mission to enliven the beijing jazz scene by creating original jazz based on the fundamentals of jazz : improvisation and communication
    新近成立的“红手”爵士乐队将以爵士乐两大原则? ?即兴演奏和音乐交流? ?为基础,创新音乐以丰富和活跃北京的爵士乐舞台。
  • Facing new time , nine red still a sincere intention , devotes to strive for newly , user friendly , the multiplex advances to cosmetics domain , please with nine red hand in hand travel together , altogether creates the magnificent life
  • Pierre was clumsy , stout and uncommonly tall , with huge red hands ; he did not , as they say , know how to come into a drawing - room and still less how to get out of one , that is , how to say something particularly agreeable on going away
  • The small pond , thickly covered with green slime , was visibly half a yard higher and overflowing the dam , because it was full of white , naked human bodies , with brick - red hands and heads and necks , all plunging about in it
用"red handed"造句  



Red Handed was a notable Australian Thoroughbred racehorse, who won the 1967 Melbourne Cup.
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